All my life I've been the "chubby kid". Not the fat kid, the chubby kid fat enough for others to make fun of you some of the time, if they were strapped for something else to say. They wouldn't lead with "Hey Fat Ass!" but it was an old stand by. Don't get me wrong there were fat kids in my school there was "the Fat Kid" (male) and "Trina Bubble" (female) and I was glad I wasn't them, kids didn't even get to know them enough to even trash them well. there was the imediate quick on the draw "Your fat!" put down. While "Your fat!" is harmful it is hardly scathing, not like the girl that everyone had said put a hot dog in her vagina which had broken off and had to be removed by emergency room doctors. Now that will follow you and create havoc in your life untill your premature death at your own hands,(not that that is what happend to her ...yet)but you get where I'm comming from.
So recently in an attempt to fit a certain "type" for an audition I started dieting, it's nice to take an active roll in looking better, however even after losing 30 lbs.,the Healthy Choice seem to scream from the cart "Hey look it's the chubby kid!" Then thejerks from my elementary school will pour over the isles and say, "Why ya tryin' ta be like us fatty? You'll never be like us!" and I'm almost 30.