This long month of improv has finally drawn to a close. It started with the 24hr. Marathon, PAX in the middle, and then the Dirty South Improv festival in N.C. a whole lot of stuff for such a small month. I'm a little burnt out.
I really enjoy this whole blogging thing I think it's fun and by the response on the counter, "Mad at the World" is getting around a bit, but I don't really want to be classified as a blogger. There was this guy who was sitting in the front row of every performance at the DSIF last week with a lap top, not watching and enjoying the shows but blogging for 4 days straight. W.T.F.
"I like to sail but I never want to be known as a boating enthusiast. I'd like people to say 'He's a guy who likes to boat'." - Mitch Hedberg