I went to the comic book convention last weekend it was a pretty good time I saw an inordinate number of people there who I thought ,or had wished, were dead. I wasn't able to buy any bootlegged video because ten dealers were arrested the night previous, Hooray for Hollywood!
I think its excellent that they are cracking down on these bootleggers that sell copies of videos that no one cares about. No one except for those desperate losers like myself who are willing to pay through the nose for a Dr. Who episode staring Rowan Adkinson that you can barely see through the static because its a copy of a copy of a copy of a copy of a copy of a copy. If Hollywood, and the BBC for that matter wants to stop these "PIRATES "( ooooh scary!!!) They should take a clue from This American Life and sell their shows.
"Hollywood" IE The Television and Film industry always have the same argument, that if they were to release certain titles on disk the cost would out way the profit. Therefore it would not be a wise business deal That is true if they continue to release media in the traditional fashion. NBC has sort of caught on with releasing podcasts of their Thursday night line up, "The Office", "My name is Earl" etc... but they should really take a chance and release "Manamal" -"The A-team" and other equally ridiculous shows that people are so passionate about. So what if your copy of "Misfits of Science" comes in a plain wrapper on a plain Silver DVD, If your really a passionate fan you won't care. I know I won't care if my copy of "Cop Rock" doesn't come with commentary
"Steven Bochco is way in to coke I mean really really into coke..." Yeah we know that's why he made "Cop Rock" in the first place.
It's been said that you can't please all of the people all of the time well maybe that's true, but here Hollywood fat cats have a real opportunity to do just that . Give the people what they want and bootleggers won't have to.