Well here we are almost 3 years after I started this Blog and I'm giving it another try. Like most things in my life, this Blog lacks consistency. I don't think (with the exception of a handful of books) I've ever finished anything. I have a laptop now and am going to make an ernest attempt at keeping it up this time. but I'm sure I'll eventually cop out as usual.
In classic form I started this after the election when I had a lot of things to say, but it's probably for the best because there are literally THOUSANDS of other political blogs out there that are better written, better informed and WAY better researched. I'm just glad that with the notable exception of the repeal of gay marriage things went my way which is SHOCKING! Prop.2 in Michigan which lifted some restrictions on stem cell research (finally) and Prop. 1 which legalized medical marijuana. Now if only I could find a crooked doctor.
It looks as though my hometown Detroit (or at least near it) is on the verge of being completely broke. The Auto industry in all it's shortsighted glory dropped the ball on the electric car and are now reaping the whirlwind. The balls it takes to show up in DC. asking for money in a private jet is truly astounding, if you grew up around here however it is not surprising. Every executive for one of the big 3 I have ever met has been an asshole, with very few exceptions. So Detroit goes bankrupt no one in the city would really notice. Those who would feel the crunch would be everyone in the surrounding area which includes me and that makes me a little nervous. But I think that the Auto industry has had it coming for a while.