Wednesday, February 02, 2005

This is what I mean

Here is the portion of Fear in Lothing I mentioned in the entry My day so far.
We must come to terms with the DrugCulture in the country...The reefer butt is called a "roach," because it resembles a cockroach...
(whispers) What the fuck are these people talking about?You'd have to be crazy on acid to think a joint looked like a goddamn cockroach!
It was clear that we had stumbled into a prehistoric gathering.
Now, there are four states of being in the cannabis, or marijuana, society: Cool, Groovy, Hip, and Square. The square is seldom if ever cool. He is not "with it," that is, he doesn't know "what's happening." But if he manages to figure it out, he moves up a notch to "hip."
DUKE and GONZO listen in disbelief.
And if he can bring himself to approve of what is happening, he becomes "groovy." After that, with much luck and perseverance, he can rise to the rank of "cool." A cool guy