I'm finally coming to grips with my very minor celebrity. Not so long a go I was having a drink with a friend at a local pub and was stopped mid sentence by one of the bus boys. Usually this is followed almost immediately by "Excuse me sir this is a family establishment please watch your language!" ,but this time was different. "Hey your that guy." This usually means I've been mistaken as one of the Barenaked Ladies "Dude you're hilarious." Thanks I replied, how do you know that? "Me and my buddy were up at Kickers ( the club below where my Tues. night group performs.) you're great. "Wow thanks a lot" is all I was able to get out, my friend and I were talking about how odd that was when... It happened again involving a different bus boy. Only this time it seemed a little more serious, like I was a little more famous he seemed hesitant to say anything yet only gave me a nod of the head and said "Joey's right?" ( The actual name of the Tues. Bar) "Yeah." "You're good" he said and walked off. "Jesus, it's just like fight club." and nothing more was said on the matter.
This had happened once before in High School when I was in a grocery store, someone's mother stopped me and asked, "aren't you the Yibba Dibba guy?" a reference to a performance of "If I were a rich man" in chorus. but that was ten years ago and in my hometown. These incidents are relatively small matters however, I went to a couple of parties around town, mainly involving members of the improv community, go to introduce myself and hear my name before I speak it. "Hey Marc, I'm..." "Joe Davis yeah I know!"
It may be a small deal to you dear reader but this is how Jesus started out and it's a little freaky, but cool.
I am a Z list Celebrity!
This had happened once before in High School when I was in a grocery store, someone's mother stopped me and asked, "aren't you the Yibba Dibba guy?" a reference to a performance of "If I were a rich man" in chorus. but that was ten years ago and in my hometown. These incidents are relatively small matters however, I went to a couple of parties around town, mainly involving members of the improv community, go to introduce myself and hear my name before I speak it. "Hey Marc, I'm..." "Joe Davis yeah I know!"
It may be a small deal to you dear reader but this is how Jesus started out and it's a little freaky, but cool.
I am a Z list Celebrity!