Friday, September 16, 2005

It's been along time...

Let me start off by making excuses.

I am unable for whatever reason to post entries from home, I can do it but I can't really edit them, and as you know loyal reader my spelling is terrible! Now that I'm back teaching again I have access to a computer that I can edit from so I'll be starting up the old blog again. I'm sorry that I've been away so long. That being said let's charge into the latest...

George Bush doesn't care about black people?

I don't think so.

George Bush doesn't care about any people.

If so he wouldn't be cutting funding to programs like FEMA and thumb his nose @the Kyoto accord. Global Warming is part of the reason that New Orleans is under water in the first place.

Maybe Dub-yuh is actually an Evil Genius (bear with me) I know he's evil but this is seriously a plot straight out of Flash Gordon.

Fade in (interior Deep within the hidden volcano HQ of W in Crawford Texas)
W: At last my plan has come to fruition the price of oil is very high indeed.
Soon I will invade Iraq and control the oil fields bringing the human race to it's knees and making me the most powerful man in the world!
(enter: Jack booted lacky wearing an all leather cowboy outfit with the word Lasso emblazoned across his chest in white letters)
W: Who dares interrupt me in this my finest hour!
Lasso: All hail W, I bring news of a fantastic treasure found by one of your agents buried under the town of New Orleans.
W: New Orleans? Dispatch the Army immediately! Use as much force as is necessary, kill as many as possible. Let them quake at the name W!
(a dark figure emerges from the shadows, troll like in it's appearance)
Mysterious Figure: An excellent plan indeed "W" but a bit showy don't you think? Perhaps there is a better, quieter way. We can still crush them and take the treasure for ourselves.
W: Cheney? My God! I'd heard legends of you from my Father but I never believed you were anything more than a boogy man.
Lasso: The women in my village used to threaten ill behaved children with your presence saying that you lurked beneath their beds.
Cheney: W, I can give you the Power of Cesar but the love of Reagan.
W: But how?
Cheney: We use your beloved fossil fuels, create a device called the H2 earth fu*ker and raise the temperature of the Earth and raise the water level... Then we wait.
W: But won't people look to me to (gulp) do something?
Cheney: Cut your funding to programs that will help people then start a war to distract them. Then we WAIT... ha ha ha ha !