Monday, February 21, 2005

Why the NBA sucks.

As many of you know and I have mentioned in previous blog entries I am a substitute teacher, just moments ago I was playing a game with the 8th. Grade LAZER math class. Upon his team winning the "Math Quiz Review game" one of the 8th grade boys stood up and shouted "Yeah, In your Face!" to the other groups. WHAT??? While this alone was stunning it only got worse.
While I myself have many times celebrated hollow victories for meaningless accomplishments quite passionately, I've never loarded it over others. I'm learning daily that I am becoming a moralistic anachronism. What happened to winning with grace and good sportsmanship? I don't believe in "It's not weather you win or loose, it's always better to win, but I also don't believe that you should tell someone they sucked. They know they sucked, they lost.
I docked his team a point for bad sportsmanship and he turned in to Ron Artest, a name I only know because the F-ing Detroit news stations went ape shit when he threw a temper tantrum at the Place. I told him that in Tennis you can forfeit a match for unsportsman like conduct. He said that he didn't care about tennis or my stupid game, I agree there I don't care about them either, but I do care about class and having some dignity in defeat as well as victory. No one would have deiafied Lou Gerig if instead of saying "Today I feel like the luckiest man in base ball." said "I'm the Iron man bitches! Number one baseball playing machine!" F- Dennis Rodmin & F- the NBA give me Larry Bird, Isaiah Thomas and Yogi Berra.

The Z list

I'm finally coming to grips with my very minor celebrity. Not so long a go I was having a drink with a friend at a local pub and was stopped mid sentence by one of the bus boys. Usually this is followed almost immediately by "Excuse me sir this is a family establishment please watch your language!" ,but this time was different. "Hey your that guy." This usually means I've been mistaken as one of the Barenaked Ladies "Dude you're hilarious." Thanks I replied, how do you know that? "Me and my buddy were up at Kickers ( the club below where my Tues. night group performs.) you're great. "Wow thanks a lot" is all I was able to get out, my friend and I were talking about how odd that was when... It happened again involving a different bus boy. Only this time it seemed a little more serious, like I was a little more famous he seemed hesitant to say anything yet only gave me a nod of the head and said "Joey's right?" ( The actual name of the Tues. Bar) "Yeah." "You're good" he said and walked off. "Jesus, it's just like fight club." and nothing more was said on the matter.
This had happened once before in High School when I was in a grocery store, someone's mother stopped me and asked, "aren't you the Yibba Dibba guy?" a reference to a performance of "If I were a rich man" in chorus. but that was ten years ago and in my hometown. These incidents are relatively small matters however, I went to a couple of parties around town, mainly involving members of the improv community, go to introduce myself and hear my name before I speak it. "Hey Marc, I'm..." "Joe Davis yeah I know!"
It may be a small deal to you dear reader but this is how Jesus started out and it's a little freaky, but cool.
I am a Z list Celebrity!

Friday, February 18, 2005

My "Hometown"

No wonder I'm a closeted homosexual with violent tendencies, I mean look where I grew up for Christ-sakes! You try it.

A lot less dirty than it sounds

I can't believe I'm typing this in a public library.
Hot wet pussy licking action!!
It's okay to open this at work.


Being Poor SUCKS I know that this is not really news to anyone, but it's just been hitting me over the head a lot lately. I'm here in the Belleville public library which tends to be VERY public if you catch my drift. What a pain in the ass.
I'm back from LA. and it went VERY well however the future of the show is really uncertain. At the getting to know you lunch we found out that there wasn't an air date for season 2 yet. It's shot and in the can ready to go but the network isn't giving it any action. However if PAX doesn't pick it up my understanding is that they can shop it to other networks... Such as their new owners NBC. So now it's like I've got a lotto ticket it's either something or its nothing. Hopefully this'll pay off in spades and I'll be Joe Davis "luckiest boy on earth", but if not I got me a plane ride and a big Ol' fancy Hotel stay out of the deal.

We did a show out there at the ACME theatre as part of our "audition" basically it was to see if we could flex our improv muscles under pressure. They set up the show like it was World Cup (if you haven't seen it there is a link on my website under "now playing"). Two teams went head to head for 5 rounds and won based on the votes of the audience, then there was another two teams in the second half. The winners from the two halves competed in a final round of one scene each. Theirs was one of the best "Film Noir" scenes I've ever witnessed, I really thought it was in the bag for them. Then we countered with a "Bob Fosse scene about an after school job at a grocery, I pulled my calf muscle during that scene but we ended up on top, it was damn close. It was some of my best work. We worked together like old friends and we couldn't go wrong up there. So our team "Der Flanken Bitte"consisting of Will, Michelle, and myself took the day
The best part about being out there was that I met some really kick ass people Dan, Steve, Michelle, the Chrisses, Will, Josh, Dale, and Jack, and his pal Jim all very cool. So Kelsey, uh Mr. Grammer if you read this give us a shot at it.

Thursday, February 17, 2005

Thank You!

Thanks to everyone who is helping to make my Blog an overwhelming success! I am actually receiving phone calls and E-mail demanding more content, HOORAY! Who knew that one boy could be so lucky.
My Hollywood photos will be up on the website soon along with a myriad of other content when I get some time. My computer is still down so thank you for you patience with the slow coming posts. The Middle school is invaluable in the blogging process. Here's something to keep you busy while I'm gone.

Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Dave Gorman

Wow what are the chances that Dave Gorman is an inspiration for so manny? It's pretty much an exclusively UK thing with Dave Gorman but he's avant guard enough for the hip kids in the US too here is someone else who has been inspired by Mr.Gorman.

Today's great Link!

This is the best blogg ever this is exactly what I should have done in college. It would have saved me a lot of aggrivation if I were able to vent to the free world about my obnoxious roommates. This way to I hate my Flatmate!

Joe Davis throughout History

Inspired by the incredible Dave Gorman and his amazing one man show "Are you Dave Gorman?" I decided to see if there were any other Joe Davis' running about. I knew that there was one living on Tireman St. in Detroit, because everytime I did a show in college I would write him a post card and ask him to come. As far as I know he never did, if he did he never said anything to me which is a little creepy.
So I googled myself one day (I was told this is called Ego surfing) and tried to see what I could come up with and was suprized to find that I am fairly common place. However few of us have ever really made it BIG so here the best of the best...

A Joe Davis Biography by Bradley Torreano (coincidently I know Brad and he never mentioned he wrote a review for a guy named JOE DAVIS you'd have thought he'd have said something.)

Performing with the Pinehurst Kids throughout the 90's, guitarist Joe Davis pic (he's in the middle) broke out on his own in 2001 to unveil his sensitive, acoustic side. Often recalling Elliot Smith with his delicate songs, Davis made an effort to set himself apart from his previous output and wrote and recorded Hope Chest later that year. Davis went on tour with his band again that fall, but they let him open the shows with his acoustic sets.

Joe Davis 1901-1978 pic
Joe Davis, world champion snooker player many times over, in 1927 he entered the first ever professional world snooker championship, held in Nottingham, and won. He then won the first world billiards championship in 1928, making it a double that made him a star at the age of 27. Over the next 20 years, barring a break for the war, he won the world snooker title on each occasion and for good measure bagged 10 world or UK billiards titles on the way. He received the OBE in 1963, had a waxen image in Madame Tussauds and drove a car with the number plate CUE 1. Joe Davis died in 1978 at the age of 77, one of snooker's greatest legends. His autobiography was called 'The Breaks came My Way'.

Joe Davis. Joe had been involved in the music/recording industry since the 1920s. He was a singer a pianist, a composer, a record producer, and ultimately a label owner. He owned and operated the Beacon, Jay-Dee, and Joe Davis labels. Among the artists he recorded were the Five Red Caps, Una Mae Carlisle, Savannah Churchill, Deryck Sampson, and many more. I can't find any photos of him yet but there is this

Monday, February 07, 2005

My weekend in review

This was one crazy assed weekend it started off with the 24 hr. improv festival for tsunami relief at the Improv Inferno while fighting strep throat, damn that was tiring, but hats off to my comrade Chris DeAngelo for doing all but an hour of the 24 + 3 more. He is the Ironman of Improv if he had one less nut he'd be Lance Armstrong and his pants would fit better. I did some of the best and worst scenes I've done all year during that stretch. Seamen-ville (just like it sounds) was one of the funniest things I've ever been a part of I wish I could describe it was amazing. In the 23rd hour I was the worst I've ever been on stage, playing a Hillbilly who'd gone blind from drinking comb sanatizer, and was hearing visions because he couldn't see them (unfortunately not as funny as it sounds). Then I watched the Super Bowl through the haze of an allergy attack next weekend off to LA. be sure check the website for photos!

Thursday, February 03, 2005

If I was stoned and Iraqi...

No one loves to strike fear into our hearts more than our own beloved government, we've all seen the ads claiming that drug use is lined to kidnapping and terrorism in the middle east. I have never seen more shocking and damning evidence PROVING beyond a shadow of a doubt that is true!

Special thanks to mike jackson

Wednesday, February 02, 2005

This is what I mean

Here is the portion of Fear in Lothing I mentioned in the entry My day so far.
We must come to terms with the DrugCulture in the country...The reefer butt is called a "roach," because it resembles a cockroach...
(whispers) What the fuck are these people talking about?You'd have to be crazy on acid to think a joint looked like a goddamn cockroach!
It was clear that we had stumbled into a prehistoric gathering.
Now, there are four states of being in the cannabis, or marijuana, society: Cool, Groovy, Hip, and Square. The square is seldom if ever cool. He is not "with it," that is, he doesn't know "what's happening." But if he manages to figure it out, he moves up a notch to "hip."
DUKE and GONZO listen in disbelief.
And if he can bring himself to approve of what is happening, he becomes "groovy." After that, with much luck and perseverance, he can rise to the rank of "cool." A cool guy

Tuesday, February 01, 2005

My website

Please come visit my website it's in it's infant like stages but I'm proud of it! Not bad for a first timer.

My day so far...

I just spent an hour in a middle school, with a bunch of rude kids while a CD of s baby crying played for 30 mins straight, all before ten in the morning, I'm pretty this is how the Natzis tortured P.O.W.'s I don't get payed enough.

3rd Hour A guest speaker comes in and is lecturing the kids about Marijuana use. It quickly turns into a "How To" guide starring one of the most uptight people I've ever met. She runs down a huge list of nicknames for Marijuana, with some of the craziest most fucked up and strange "Nicknames" for pot. I've never heard these terms and I lived in Ypsi next to a drug trafficing store front and dealers in my parking lot. Even snoop Dogg wopuld be confused by what she was saying.
The wat she was running her presentation it seemed she was telling kids not what to look out for but what to ask for. She said When you go up to your local street dealer and ask for a blunt your not sure what your going to get."(not kidding) "A B-40 is a cigar wrapper filled with mary jane with a little cocaine sprinkled in it and the end is dipped in malt liquor." One kid asks "How do you grow your own?" and she tells him ! Kids were taking notes for Christ sakes! I was trying so hard not to laugh at one point I was coughing to cover up my laughter. I felt like I was going INSANE!
It was like that scene from Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas where Duke and Gonzo are at the D.A.'s convention. God help me! Like I was saying... I don't get payed enough. 5:48 pm